RISE AND SHINE!! Let the sun empower your homes and offices! Let the sun reduce your electricity bills and make you a part of the green community! Installing rooftop solar power plants in your homes and at your offices will help reduce the brunt of pollution on mankind. The sun is the celestial body which lets us harness its energy. Let us exploit the sun and save our planet!“I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. “ – THOMAS EDISON, 1931
The 21st century has a seen a rise in the use of renewable energy and solar energy has become the X factor in our pursuit for sustained renewable energy making it the premiere source of renewable energy. It is growing at an unprecedented rate and many countries are employing solar power to fulfil their energy needs. India, the oldest third world country has taken upon itself to reduce the use of thermal power plants using fossil fuels and increase its dependency on solar power. It has set up lofty goals and has created schemes to motivate its people to do the same.
Rooftop solar power is the simplest method of harnessing the power of the sun. It has gained popularity for its quick and easy installation. People have been apprehensive in the past due to high capital costs and lack of proper awareness. Today that is no longer the case. The rise of information technology and the improvement of solar technology have raised the awareness and the quality of panels, piquing the interest of people to invest in solar power. The environmental effects of solar power are also well known. Rooftop solar panels can be fitted on any establishment with ease. As the name suggests, the panels are set up on the roof and they are connected to the grid to form on-grid PV systems or remain off the grid to form off-grid PV systems or to diesel generators and/or batteries to form hybrid PV systems. The hybrid systems can be connected the grid or remain off-grid based on need. Rooftop solar panels are versatile in terms of location of installation i.e., for individual homes, schools, communities, offices and industries. They are effective and cater to the power needs of the establishment.
Some of the advantages of on-grid rooftop solar power plants are,
- Quick and easy installation.
- Reduced electricity bills from day 1.
- Return on investment in 3.5 to 5 years.
- Zero CO2 production.
- Low maintenance costs.
- Long operational life (25-27 years).
- No batteries required. Therefore, lower capital costs and replacement costs.
- Reduced load on the grid.
These benefits make rooftop solar an attractive commodity to invest in. The advent of digital solar inverters has made it easier for people to better synchronize the current from the grid and PV system, to reduce the formation of ripples. They also help monitor the connection from the PV array and help us see firsthand, the impact of the installation and the effectiveness of the system.
Rooftop solar panels can also be installed in offices which require a continuous supply of power and having an initiative to go green. Industries with large power needs can also install rooftop solar power plants for their energy needs as they are a reliable and cost-effective source of power.
The government is encouraging all sectors to go solar and go green, and has enacted schemes to motivate people to install rooftop solar power plants in their homes and offices. This effort is to prompt people to form a community that will utilize solar power and make other people do the same.
Let’s join the solar community and enrich our lives!